Lancaster Fine Arts..Online..Gallery


Some of our Artists

Josefina Diazgranados

If there exists a pictorial work that in one way or another could resemble the immaterial patrimony of the Northern Colombian Coast that represents in each brushstroke the grace, the color, and the feeling implicit in the meaning of loving a specific zone

Tennyson Brown

Art for me is the roar that I am not quite allowed to make. As a rebel or truth seeker it is imperative I have an experience that puts me in the position of giving myself permission to roar. Art is that permission.

. McCotter .

I am a professional full time artist living in on the Sunshine coast. I work mainly in mixed media and love to create new and expressive compositions exploring all of God's creations

About our Gallery

As I started to establish the Lancaster Fine Art Online Gallery, I was acutely conscious of the additional difficulties many of our emerging visual artists face when creatively working hard to achieve excellence in their chosen profession.


Not only is their battle about striving for brilliant creativity, they also have to face the increasing difficulty in finding suitable venues to exhibit their work in. After that, comes the need for publicity and promotion.


So to succeed, today's visual artist has to become a quasi real estate agent and a PR expert rolled into the existing artist's profile.


It is not surprising therefore, that many artists just give up on their passion and talent. Opting instead for a "real job" and at best continue to dabble with their passion, as a hobby only.


Should the artist still have the fire in their belly to continue to pursue their artistic career path, they strike their next problem. Art galleries because of mounting overheads and other cost burdens, are now having to charge the artist high rentals for gallery space and/or huge commissions (sometimes nearly half the retail value of the work) on the sale of artwork.


For established artists, whose reputation can demand high prices for their work, these costs can be absorbed. But for emerging artists still establishing a reputation, these high gallery costs force them to often inflate the price of their artwork, and in so doing make it harder to sell. This burden is often the last straw that breaks the artist's determination to succeed and sadly our culture looses another valuable asset.


Lancaster Fine Art Online Gallery seeks to reduce some of the difficulties that the current system places upon these artists, by significantly reducing the costs to them. Hopefully this works for the artist and in so doing should also benefit the buyer as well.


Our charges are as follows:

1. The cost of renting a gallery site at the Lancaster Fine Arts Gallery is a flat AD $360 a year, that equates to less than $1 a day for a full year's space rental.


2. We charge a flat 20% of the retail value of paintings sold as commission at our gallery


3. The artist has total access to his or her site by way of a password

4. Lancaster Fine Arts does not demand exclusivity of our artist's work. Thus the artist is free to sell the same work at another gallery. If this work sells in another gallery, Lancaster Fine Arts receives no commission for that sale.


5. Our Artists will readily accept commissions from you, in this regard please contact the gallery.


Finally all an artist needs to do to join the Lancaster Fine Arts Gallery is to apply by presenting us with six different artworks. They need also to provide us with full descriptions of this work as well as a personal artistic profile. They also need to provide us with a three minute, high quality presentation of them speaking about the work that we will show on the site. If the artist is a local, and Lancaster Fine Art is required to produce the video, a charge of $150 applies for this service.


It's simple, painless and hopefully this gallery will be beneficial to our buyers and our artists as well.

Thank you

Richard Lancaster